In the survey carried out students of "A Pinguela" between 17 - 23 years (A), and between 15 -17 (B) the following results were obtained: 


A : 100% of the students havecar in their houses. 24% has one car and in 76% they have more than one.

B: 52.5% have more than one car, this means a half-high economic level. So only 30% have one car.  


A: For going to the institute 50% of students use the car, 30% of them walk and 20% comes by bus.

B: 30% of students come by car, 47% of them come by bus, 12.5% walking, 5% by motocicle and 2.5% by bicycle.  


A: 50% of students come by car

B: 20% of them come by car. It's Also necessary to know that the School is very far from the city center. 


 A: 92%, of the students have bicycle, and the 84%  of them don't use it, as:  40% have more comfortable ways of transporting, 12% for climatological aspects and 20% for comfort.

B: 85% have bicycle. Only 40% of them use it. The main reason for which the bicycle is not used is because they have better ways of transporting, 47.5%, 17.5% for rapidity and 5% for shame. 


A: In conclusion, people use more the car because it’s easier and they don't use the public transportations.

B: 57.5% uses public transportations. 


A: 72% of students know more than three natural parks, and 10% knows some park in Italy and Poland. Most students also know the rural area. This area the 88%. know it by foot path, 10% of them walking and 20% use the car.

B: 37,5% know more than three natural parks in Spain and 2%  know some park in Italy and Poland. 90% knows the rural area, and for knowing it 52,5%  walk on foot and 30% in car. 


A: 72% of students thinks that the treatment to the Environment is not good. For improving it they ask to mend the current roads and to restrict the circulation of cars through many of these places.  

B: 55% Think that the ways for transportation is poor, for solving it 50%  of students opts for improving them and 12,5% opts for forbiding the traffic in these areas. 


Most students think that the biggest environmental problem in the district is the contamination and the fires. 


A: 84% only know a few common trees of its area and 4% knows all of them.

B: 62,5% know most trees of this area and 30% know all of them. 




A: 60% of students know the places which were declared Patrimony of the Humanity, like: the wall of Lugo, 10% with the aqueduct of Segovia and a minority with "Las Medulas" and The Caves of Altamira.

B: 15% of students have idea of the protected monuments. 


A: 60%, know that San Vicente and The Escolapios are protected monuments in the town and The Clarisas and the Roman bridge, a minority.

B: 75% knows the protected monuments of its town. 


A: 33% of students know which is the capital of Italy and Poland and 85% of them know which is the capital of Spain and Galicia. 

B: 30% know which is the capital of Italy and Poland and 90% of them Which are the capital of Galicia and Spain. 


A: 29% of students know that the river Manzanares runs across Madrid, 1% of the students knows that the river Vístola runs across Krakow, and 9% of students know that the Po runs across Turín.

B: 15% of students know where these rivers are, 42,5% not know and 32,5% doesn't answer. 


A: 84% of the students don't know how to locate the cities of Katowice geographically in Poland and Nole (Turín) in Italy.

B: 17,5% of students ignore the situation of the previous cities.


A: 20% of students know that the mine of "Wieliczka" - Poland - is formed by the chemical element NaCl.

B: 15% of them know that the chemical element is CLNA. 


The proposals that the students for improving the environment have, are these: 

- For the district 7,5% say putting more fines for the excess of contamination.  

- For the city 10% think that putting more public transportations would good. 

- 25% don't contribute any idea of improvement. 

- In the schools 20% think that it there be a bigger understanding of the recycling. 

- 96% say that have participated in environment campaigns.

 B: The answers are almost identical. 







   The contamination produced by vehicles is unnecessary or reducible majority, because, more than 50% of the families have two cars, and use it because it’s faster and more comfortable. Most people who uses it to go to the institute can walk or use bicycle, if they live close; in public transportation if they live far from the center. In this way, they would reduce or they would eliminate a great part of the contamination. 


Most of those interviewed  the cultural knowledge has a half-under level. Referring to knowledge of the country, a majority possesses it, but not when they refer to international knowledge. 


   Most of those interviewed know their surrounding well. They have notion of the monuments declared Patrimony of Humanity or protected, of the typical trees; of the areas of most interest... and also of the main problems that these areas have or its access ways. 


   Comenius: Most of those interviewed is agreement with the realization of this plan, because it allow them to know better their area and other countries; it can also offer them the possibility of taking trips in representation from their Schools to other countries; however there are a lot of students that don't know the Comenius project that we are developping well enough. (This can be because we are beginning this project).